Have Vim Automatically Add Clojure Namespace
Only so Much Time in the Day
Given that we all have a limited number of hours in a day to be productive, automating repetitive tasks is the name of the game. After I had done it more than a few times in a day it occurred to me that there was no reason to manually type out the namespace declaration in new Clojure files. So, I wrote the following function to do it for me:
function! InsertNamespace()
let s:dir_regex = 'test\/\|src\/'
let s:first_line_empty = getbufline('%', 1, 1) == ['']
let s:file_path = expand('%')
if match(s:file_path, s:dir_regex) > -1 && s:first_line_empty
let s:relevant_path = substitute(s:file_path, s:dir_regex, '', '')
let s:dasherized_path = substitute(s:relevant_path, '_', '-', 'g')
let s:dotted_path = substitute(s:dasherized_path, '\/', '\.', 'g')
let s:namespace = substitute(s:dotted_path, '\.clj[s]*$', '', '')
call setline(1, '(ns ' . s:namespace . ')')
augroup filetype_clojure
autocmd FileType clojure call InsertNamespace()
augroup END
Now anytime I open an empty file in either a src
or test
directory I
automatically have the appropriate namespace declaration inserted. It may not
change your life, but little automations eventually add up into real-time